ESG in Business

Read Larry’s new book:

ESG in Business: How Environmental, Social and Governance Practices are Changing the Purpose of Business©

For this book, my research methodology is a daily scan of multiple sources of media, academic papers, and business publications to glean the nuanced thoughts and assess the potential outcomes. I draw from a variety of books and newsletters on ESG and cross-reference the ideas for trends. I seek input from colleagues, business owners, subject matter experts, and local and international business associations, as to what they see happening and try to connect the dots. I publish the edits and updates on a monthly basis, with a synopsis of the research updates and edits at the beginning of each publication, for ongoing readers to locate new information.

When I listen to CEOs and other business leaders, there is a level of frustration from outdated government regulations and practices preventing new products from going on the market. There is a need for due diligence on the part of regulators, but there is also a need for expediency, as we see temperatures rising and increased levels of particulates compounding our global problems. Extending existing standards and practices to protect markets or products, limits the investment opportunities and support for new ideas which support sustainability. Self-serving interprovincial trade barriers continue to remain in place. Why?

I have tried to compile emerging information from a variety of sectors into this single reference document. I refrain from inserting too many subjective opinions or ideas which are not scalable. I strive to mitigate bias, whether mine or others, however, it is not entirely possible. The fact that I am writing on ESG as a purpose for business to affect a positive change, is a bias in itself. Guilty as charged. My personal and professional philosophies and values are expressed in the materials, while I have endeavoured to be objective. This is my legacy project and my give back, to help others make better informed decisions. I hope you find this material to be an insightful and a professional compilation of ESG ideas to apply within your sphere of influence. That is the intention. I would like to hear about ESG in your business.


This book is Larry’s Legacy Project. He has committed to updating the content on a monthly basis, at NO CHARGE. This will ensure the latest strategies, business practices, and technologies are available to the reader. ESG practices are constantly evolving to reflect values and stakeholder interests. There is no finish line!

Please send Larry feedback at: or call him directly at 778.895.5358